Alpaca Basics
Alpacas have been domesticated for more than 5,000 years. They are one of Mother Nature’s favorite farm animals. They are sensitive to their environment in every respect. The following physical attributes allow alpacas to maintain their harmony with our Mother Earth:
*The alpaca’s feet are padded and leave even the most delicate terrain undamaged as it browses on native grasses.
*The alpaca is a modified ruminant with a three-compartment stomach. It converts grass and hay to energy very efficiently, eating less than other farm animals.
*It’s camelid ancestry allows the alpaca to thrive without consuming very much water, although an abundant, fresh water supply is necessary.
*The alpaca does not usually eat or destroy trees, preferring tender grasses which it does not pull up by the roots.
*South American Indians use alpaca dung for fuel and gardeners find the alpaca’s rich fertilizer for growing fruits and vegetables.
*A herd of alpacas consolidates its feces in one to two spots in the pasture, thereby controlling the spread of parasites, and making it easy to collect and compost for fertilizer.
*An alpaca produces enough fleece each year to create several soft, warm sweaters for its owner’s comfort. This is the alpaca’s way of contributing to community energy conservation efforts.