Successful Training Involves Key Elements
Alpacas that are easily caught, handled, and habituated to human routines enjoy a safer and less stressful life. This is done by taming the animal so they are more accepting of people when animal husbandry functions are performed.
Animal husbandry functions include:
- Routine maintenance – toenail trimming and injections
- Medical emergencies that require rapid loading and travel to a vet.
- Shearing.
- Changing location by walking alpaca on a lead rope to another area of the property.
- Be patient, move slowly, and talk softly.
- Use equipment and talk correctly.
- Use finesse, not overpowering strength.
- Use a trained companion alpaca to lead train a beginner. This works great when leading cria behind their halter trained mother.
- Adjust training techniques to fit the animal.
- Eliminate distractions.
- Consider safety.
- Avoid creating maladjusted, improperly imprinted male alpacas.